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14 Jan 2025 · 25m 15s
今年1月3日,中国演员王星抵达泰国曼谷。他原以为自己是去拍戏,没想到却落入了电信诈骗集团的圈套。下飞机后,他被拐骗至缅甸的妙瓦底县。 幸运的是,王星有一个机智又爱他的女朋友。她一方面报警求助,另一方面通过社交媒体发声,最终成功让王星在1月7日获救。 在飞回上海的飞机上,王星回忆了自己的遭遇。他说,当时过了河,竟然完全没有意识到自己已经离开泰国。他被关押在一个地方,和他一起被关的还有大约50人,所有人都被剃光了头。 王星的经历并非个例。在他获救后,有超过170名怀疑家人被困在缅甸的中国人发起联署,恳求当局伸出援手。联合国的数据显示,大约有20万人在柬埔寨和缅甸的诈骗中心工作。这些人遭到囚禁、虐待,被迫从事诈骗活动。 由于诈骗集团的主要目标是中国人与华人,从事诈骗工作的人中也有不少中国受害者。有些人甚至形容,中国人就是“行走的人民币”。 这期的早报播客《东谈西论》,听主持人韩咏红与马来西亚太平洋研究中心首席顾问胡逸山解析东南亚为何成了绑架和诈骗中国人的犯罪温床?各国政府又应该采取哪些行动来打击这些犯罪活动? 延伸阅读: 新闻人间:王星拐骗案幕后黑手“颜十六” 谈王星案 在泰国拍戏中国公司:做好这点就安全 The story of Chinese actor Wang Xing's harrowing escape from a Myanmar scam centre has sent shockwaves through the Chinese community and raised concerns about safety in Southeast Asia. Lured to Thailand under the guise of a filming opportunity in early January 2025, Wang Xing was abducted upon arrival and trafficked across the border to Myawaddy, Myanmar.  He found himself imprisoned with around 50 other individuals, all of whom were forced to shave their heads. Thanks to his resourceful girlfriend, who alerted authorities and rallied support on social media, Wang Xing was rescued within days.  His experience sheds light on a disturbing trend of kidnappings linked to Southeast Asian fraud operations. Following his rescue, over 170 Chinese families reported similar disappearances of loved ones in Myanmar, highlighting the alarming prevalence of human trafficking and forced labour in the region. The United Nations estimates a staggering 200,000 people are trapped in these scam centres across Southeast Asia, subjected to horrific conditions and forced to participate in criminal activities targeting Chinese communities worldwide. The lucrative nature of these scams, preying on cultural and linguistic ties, has led to Chinese individuals being cynically referred to as "walking RMB" by criminal gangs. The fear became so real that even Hong Kong singer Eason Chan cancelled his Bangkok concert due to safety concerns for his fans.  Join host Han Yong Hong as she explores the rise of scam centres in Southeast Asia, impact on tourism and potential solutions to this growing crisis with expert analysis from Dr Oh Ei Sun, Principal Adviser, Pacific Research Centre of Malaysia.   Hosted by Lianhe Zaobao’s Associate Editor, Han Yong Hong, Global Heartbeat is a Mandarin weekly news and current affairs podcast that is updated every Tuesday, 7.00 PM SGT. It is available on, Apple Podcast, Spotify and other podcast platforms.See for privacy information.
7 Jan 2025 · 19m 45s
在2024年岁末,中国军方一口气展示四款先进海空武器。 12月27日,全球首艘搭载电磁弹射系统的076型两栖攻击舰——四川舰,正式下水并命名。此外,解放军在成都和沈阳分别试飞两架疑似第六代战斗机,以及在西安试飞了全新的空警3000战略预警机,也都在12月26日和27日这两天里亮相。 中国在2025年之前密集展示多款世界先进武器,背后有什么深意? 这期的早报播客《东谈西论》,听主持人韩咏红与《联合早报》驻北京记者于泽远详细解析中国这次的军工大暴走是想对外发出什么弦外之音?它又会如何改变中美军事实力的平衡? 延伸阅读: 于泽远:中国军工开启暴走模式 中国“四川舰”下水 可在渡海战中执行多种任务 In a strategic move at the close of 2024, China has showcased a series of cutting-edge military technologies, including the world’s first 076 amphibious assault ship equipped with electromagnetic catapults, and conducted test flights of new sixth-generation fighter jets and a KJ-3000 early warning aircraft.  These demonstrations are not just technological feats but are laden with geopolitical significance, hinting at China's ambitions to alter the global military balance, particularly in relation to the United States.  This episode of Global Heartbeat podcast delves into China's recent military advancements, exploring the motivations behind these developments and their potential impact on global power dynamics. Join host Han Yonghong and Lianhe Zaobao's China News Copy Editor Yu Zeyuan as they unpack what these advancements mean for the future of international security. Hosted by Lianhe Zaobao’s Associate Editor, Han Yong Hong, Global Heartbeat is a Mandarin weekly news and current affairs podcast that is updated every Tuesday, 7.00 PM SGT. It is available on, Apple Podcast, Spotify and other podcast platforms.See for privacy information.
31 Dec 2024 · 19m 31s
韩国济州航空公司的一架波音客机,星期天上午疑似因撞上鸟群而坠毁,造成重大伤亡。 从现场画面可见,飞机以机腹迫降在跑道上,随后滑行了相当长的距离,最终撞上一堵墙。巨大的冲击力导致飞机瞬间化为一团火球。事故造成179人罹难。 韩国今年可谓流年不利。就在不久前,总统尹锡悦于12月3日宣布全国进入紧急戒严。此举在国内外引发轩然大波。至今,韩国的政治动荡仍未平息。 2024年被称为“全球选举年”,全世界共有超过60个国家举行了选举。其中,一些国家的执政党在选举中失利,例如英国。而另一些国家则因政局动荡遭遇巨变,叙利亚的阿萨德政权就在武装叛变中被推翻。 然而,在这一系列的国际事件中,最引人注目的是美国的总统选举。特朗普在竞选期间经历了一场枪击事件,但他大难不死,最终成功当选为美国第47任总统。 这期的早报播客《东谈西论》,听主持人韩咏红和《联合早报》国际新闻组第二主任吴汉钧盘点2024年最奇葩国际新闻。 延伸阅读: 【东谈西论】尹锡悦总统遭弹劾 如何影响韩国政治? 【东谈西论】全世界系好安全带 迎接特朗普的新美国 2024 was a year of global upheaval, marked by surprising election outcomes and political turmoil. While Donald Trump's return to the White House dominated headlines, significant events unfolded elsewhere. South Korea grappled with the impeachment of President Yoon Suk-yeol, sparking a constitutional crisis. While the reasons for impeachment are complex, the move has sent shockwaves through the country’s political landscape. Meanwhile, a Jeju Air passenger plane crash-landed in South Korea, raising concerns about aviation safety. Initial reports suggested a bird strike, but investigations are ongoing to determine the exact cause.  Join Lianhe Zaobao’s Associate Editor Han Yong Hong and Second Foreign Editor Ng Hon Kuan as they delve into a tumultuous year for international events in 2024. Global Heartbeat is a Mandarin weekly news and current affairs podcast that is updated every Tuesday, 7.00 PM SGT. It is available on, Apple Podcast, Spotify and other podcast platforms.See for privacy information.
17 Dec 2024 · 23m
12月3日,韩国总统尹锡悦宣布全国进入紧急戒严。4天后,尹锡悦发表“对国民谈话”,对紧急戒严事态道歉,并强调绝不会有第二次戒严。他还强硬地表示对调查和弹劾奉陪到底。12月14日,韩国国会第二次表决通过了弹劾总统尹锡悦的动议,暂停他的公职。总理韩悳洙将成为代理总统。尹锡悦在国会通过弹劾案后立即说:“我绝不会放弃。” 一直转变态度的尹锡悦会有什么下场?宪法法院会如何裁决? 这期的早报播客《东谈西论》,听主持人吴汉钧与韩国外国语大学孔裕植教授,以及《联合早报》驻首尔通讯员姜贵瑛详细解析。 延伸阅读: 尹锡悦面临弹劾审判和刑事调查 姜贵瑛:都是第一夫人惹的祸? Two weeks after South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol announced martial law, his initial apology has transformed into a firm resolve to face the impeachment charges head-on. Despite his changing stance, the Dec 14 impeachment motion by the National Assembly has led to his suspension, with the Constitutional Court now set to determine his fate.  As the court reviews the case, questions loom about Yoon's future and the trajectory of South Korea's political landscape. Join host Ng Hon Kuan in conversation with Hankuk University of Foreign Studies Chief Researcher Yoosik Kong and Lianhe Zaobao’s Seoul Correspondent Kang Gwi Young for an in-depth analysis of these pivotal events. Global Heartbeat is a Mandarin weekly news and current affairs podcast that is updated every Tuesday, 7.00 PM SGT. It is available on, Apple Podcast, Spotify and other podcast platforms.See for privacy information.
10 Dec 2024 · 18m 30s
韩国总统尹锡悦在12月3日晚上突然宣布全国进入紧急戒严,声称此举是为铲除亲朝鲜势力。然而,在各方强烈反对下,他在六小时内迅速撤销戒严令,但这戒严令已在韩国政坛引发巨大震荡。 反对党随即联合提交对尹锡悦的弹劾动议,但弹劾案在上星期六因未达到全体会议法定表决人数而撤销。大批韩国民众在首尔举行大型抗议集会,要求尹锡悦下台。与此同时,韩国检方宣布已对尹锡悦涉嫌内乱展开调查,他也被禁止出境。 尹锡悦的政治前途是否已走到尽头?这场风波又将如何影响国际社会对韩国的看法? 这期的早报播客《东谈西论》,听主持人吴汉钧与韩国外国语大学孔裕植教授,以及《联合早报》驻首尔通讯员姜贵瑛详细解析宛如韩剧情节的尹锡悦戒严风波。 延伸阅读: 分析:颁布戒严令是“韩国民主倒退” 尹锡悦总统大位或不保 【早知】尹锡悦玩火造成什么影响? South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol's sudden declaration of martial law on December 3 has thrown the nation into political disarray. His attempt to curb pro-North Korean influence was met with swift opposition, resulting in the lifting of martial law within six hours. This upheaval has led to a stalled impeachment motion due to a lack of quorum and mass protests demanding Yoon's resignation. Compounding the situation, Yoon faces a legal investigation for alleged insurrection and is barred from leaving the country. This crisis not only casts doubts on Yoon's political future but also has significant implications for South Korea’s international reputation.  In this episode of Global Heartbeat podcast, join host Ng Hon Kuan as he delves into this dramatic political saga with Yoosik Kong, Chief Researcher at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies and Kang Gwi Young, Lianhe Zaobao’s Seoul Correspondent.   Global Heartbeat is a Mandarin weekly news and current affairs podcast that is updated every Tuesday, 7.00 PM SGT. It is available on, Apple Podcast, Spotify and other podcast platforms.See for privacy information.
3 Dec 2024 · 22m 44s
中共中央军事委员会委员、军委政治工作部主任苗华,因涉嫌严重违纪被停职检查。中国国防部新闻发言人于上星期四主动对外发布了这一消息。 苗华成为本届中央军委中第二名被处分的委员,也是去年以来落马的多名解放军高级将领之一。在苗华和李尚福之前,前任中国国防部长魏凤和因严重违纪违法,已于去年被立案审查调查。 自去年以来,中国军队展开大规模反腐行动,但高级将领依然前腐后继。苗华被认为是中共总书记习近平提拔的将领,他的落马意味着什么? 这期的联合早报播客《东谈西论》,听主持人韩咏红与《联合早报》驻北京记者于泽远详细解析苗华落马对解放军战斗力的影响。 延伸阅读: 中共中央军委委员苗华被停职检查 仕途基本终结 中国特稿:腐败劣根摘不尽 中国整肃军队路漫漫 China has suspended a top military official Miao Hua and placed him under investigation for “serious violations of discipline”, which are commonly used as a euphemism for corruption in China.  This development comes amid a sweeping anti-corruption campaign within the Chinese military, which has already seen several high-ranking officials face disciplinary action.  Admiral Miao Hua is a member of Beijing’s powerful Central Military Commission (CMC). He headed the CMC’s Political Work Department, the top military body’s most important office. Adm Miao, described as a close ally of Chinese President Xi Jinping, is the latest to be scrutinised, raising questions about the broader implications for the People's Liberation Army.  Join host Han Yonghong and Lianhe Zaobao's China News Copy Editor Yu Zeyuan as they explore the significance of Miao Hua's suspension and its potential impact on China's military strength. Hosted by Lianhe Zaobao’s Associate Editor, Han Yong Hong, Global Heartbeat is a Mandarin weekly news and current affairs podcast that is updated every Tuesday, 7.00 PM SGT. It is available on, Apple Podcast, Spotify and other podcast platforms.See for privacy information.
26 Nov 2024 · 19m 02s
俄罗斯上星期四向乌克兰东部发射了一枚新型中程弹道导弹。这是一枚最新研制的高超音速导弹,代号“榛树”。 俄罗斯总统普京称,“榛树”能够以10马赫的速度打击目标,它虽然不是战略武器,但其效果和威力可以与战略武器相媲美。普京还表示,当今世界没有任何手段可以对抗这种导弹,也没有任何手段可以拦截它。 普京宣布,“榛树”导弹将在俄军战略导弹部队中投入使用。“榛树”导弹能在12分钟内飞到柏林,飞到罗马只需14分钟,大约17分钟就能到达布鲁塞尔、巴黎,甚至伦敦。 不久前,普京签署了一项法令,批准降低俄罗斯使用核武器的门槛。在这个关键时刻,他又测试新的高超音速中程导弹。普京究竟想要震慑谁? 这期的早报播客《东谈西论》,听主持人韩咏红与《联合早报》驻北京记者于泽远详细解析俄乌战争是否正在朝核武大战的方向进一步迈进? 延伸阅读: 沈泽玮:俄乌战千日,中欧持续震荡 俄首次在乌使用新型弹道导弹 乌克兰加紧分析残骸 Russia has tested a new intermediate-range ballistic missile in an assault on the Ukrainian city of Dnipro. The hypersonic missile codenamed Oreshnik (meaning hazel tree in Russian), is reportedly capable of achieving speeds of Mach 10 (10 times the speed of sound), and reaching European capitals within minutes. Russian President Vladimir Putin asserts the missile's unrivaled speed and power, comparing it to strategic weapons despite its classification. Amid these developments, Putin has also lowered the threshold for Russia's use of nuclear weapons, raising global concerns about the potential escalation of the Russia-Ukraine conflict into a nuclear confrontation.  Join host Han Yonghong and Lianhe Zaobao’s China News Copy Editor Yu Zeyuan in this episode of Global Heartbeat as they delve into the geopolitical ramifications of Russia's latest military maneuvers and the shifting dynamics of international security. Hosted by Lianhe Zaobao’s Associate Editor, Han Yong Hong, Global Heartbeat is a Mandarin weekly news and current affairs podcast that is updated every Tuesday, 7.00 PM SGT. It is available on, Apple Podcast, Spotify and other podcast platforms.  See for privacy information.
19 Nov 2024 · 23m 10s
中国江苏宜兴市无锡工艺职业技术学院上星期六晚间发生校园随机杀人案。根据警方通报,一名21岁的男学生,因考试不合格无法拿到毕业证书,加上对实习报酬不满,回校持刀杀人泄愤,造成八人死亡,17人受伤。 类似的随机杀人案件,中国今年以来已发生至少八九起。11月11日,广东珠海也发生一起驾越野车随机撞人事件,导致35人死亡,43人重伤。 中国最高层下令各地区和有关部门要举一反三,加强风险源头管控。各地也随即展开矛盾纠纷排查化解。然而,这些举措能否真正解决问题,防堵此类悲剧再次发生? 这期的早报播客《东谈西论》,听主持人韩咏红与新加坡国立大学东亚研究所研究员赵力涛及旅居台湾的时事评论人徐全解析接二连三的恶性随机伤人事件有什么共性?中国社会发生了什么事? 延伸阅读: 【视频】江苏高校伤人案为今年首例学生犯案 学者:疏导社会压力需减压阀 韩咏红:珠海之殇 In a shocking series of events, China has witnessed a spate of random violent incidents, raising concerns about social stability and safety.  Last Saturday, a stabbing rampage at the Wuxi Vocational Institute of Arts and Technology in the city of Yixing in Jiangsu province, left eight dead and 17 injured.  A 21-year-old student, reportedly driven by academic failure and unpaid internship wages, is blamed for the attack. Just days earlier, a horrific car attack in Zhuhai, Guangdong province, claimed the lives of 35 people and left 43 seriously injured.  These incidents have prompted China's leadership to call for increased preventative measures and conflict resolution efforts.  However, questions linger about the underlying causes of such violence and the efficacy of these proposed solutions. This episode of Global Heartbeat podcast delves into these recent tragedies in China, exploring potential societal factors and the challenges of preventing such incidents. Joining host Han Yonghong to analyse these events are Dr. Zhao Litao, a senior research fellow at the National University of Singapore’s East Asian Institute and Taiwan-based commentator Xu Quan. Hosted by Lianhe Zaobao’s Associate Editor, Han Yong Hong, Global Heartbeat is a Mandarin weekly news and current affairs podcast that is updated every Tuesday, 7.00 PM SGT. It is available on, Apple Podcast, Spotify and other podcast platforms.See for privacy information.
12 Nov 2024 · 22m 28s
美国总统选举结果已经尘埃落定,前总统特朗普大胜,他不仅赢得所有摇摆州的选举人票,普选票也胜过对手哈里斯。 特朗普誓言带领美国进入黄金时代,弥合国家伤口。他在竞选期间公布的政策包括大规模驱逐移民,对中国商品加征关税至60%,对其他国家商品征税10%至20%,而且要欧洲盟友和台湾支付更多“保护费”。 评论人担忧,美国将走回历史上的孤立时代。这会对世界带来什么影响?中国又会如何迎接特朗普治下的“黄金美国”? 这期的早报播客《东谈西论》,听主持人韩咏红与清华大学战略与安全研究中心主任、国际关系学系教授达巍解析特朗普再次当选美国总统对世界的影响。 延伸阅读: 吴汉钧:特朗普能否带领美国进入黄金时代? 韩咏红:特朗普2.0给中国的危机与机遇 Donald Trump achieved a significant victory in the US election, securing not only the electoral votes of key swing states but also leading his opponent Kamala Harris in the popular vote. Trump vowed to lead America into a “golden age” while addressing national healing. His proposed policies include imposing a 60% tariff on imports from China and a 10% tariff on goods from other countries, alongside demands for increased financial contributions from U.S. allies in exchange for security guarantees. Concerns about a potential shift towards a more isolationist stance under Trump's leadership have been raised, particularly regarding how this might affect global alliances and relations with China. These developments prompt discussions about their implications for international security dynamics. In this episode of Global Heartbeat podcast, host Han Yonghong discusses these issues with Professor Da Wei, Director of the Centre for International Security and Strategy at Tsinghua University. Hosted by Lianhe Zaobao’s Associate Editor, Han Yong Hong, Global Heartbeat is a Mandarin weekly news and current affairs podcast that is updated every Tuesday, 7.00 PM SGT. It is available on, Apple Podcast, Spotify and other podcast platforms.  See for privacy information.
5 Nov 2024 · 34m 14s
美国总统大选已进入投票日,全世界都在屏息以待选举结果。在投票日前三天,提前邮寄投票的选民已超过7500万。至今,现任副总统、民主党候选人哈里斯与前总统、共和党候选人特朗普的选情依然胶着,互不相让,选举进入割喉战。 两大阵营频出奇招,但也出现了猪队友自乱阵脚的情况。哈里斯引述他人言论,指责特朗普为法西斯分子;拜登则称特朗普的支持者为“垃圾”,引发巨大争议。 越来越多的民调显示,特朗普的胜选几率正在上升。中国的知识界怎么看待特朗普重返白宫的可能性? 这期的早报播客《东谈西论》,听主持人韩咏红与中国复旦大学教授沈丁立深入解析特朗普如果再次当选,是会更加可怕,还是可能带来转机? 延伸阅读: 美国总统大选前夕 中国学者预期特朗普赢面更大 杨丹旭:美国大选,世界在等 As the world watches with bated breath, the race between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump is proving to be one of the most closely contested in recent history. With more than 75 million mail-in votes already cast, the election has entered a critical phase. Both campaigns have resorted to aggressive tactics, sometimes backfiring spectacularly. Adding to the tension, several polls suggest Trump might have an edge, raising questions about what a second Trump presidency would mean for America and the world. In China, intellectuals are closely analysing the potential implications of a Trump return. Would it be a global disaster, or could there be unexpected upsides? In the latest episode of Global Heartbeat, Professor Shen Dingli of Fudan University provides expert insights into the impact of the election outcome on international politics. Hosted by Lianhe Zaobao’s Associate Editor, Han Yong Hong, Global Heartbeat is a Mandarin weekly news and current affairs podcast that is updated every Tuesday, 7.00 PM SGT. It is available on, Apple Podcast, Spotify and other podcast platforms.See for privacy information.

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