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3 Dec 2024 · 22m 44s
中共中央军事委员会委员、军委政治工作部主任苗华,因涉嫌严重违纪被停职检查。中国国防部新闻发言人于上星期四主动对外发布了这一消息。 苗华成为本届中央军委中第二名被处分的委员,也是去年以来落马的多名解放军高级将领之一。在苗华和李尚福之前,前任中国国防部长魏凤和因严重违纪违法,已于去年被立案审查调查。 自去年以来,中国军队展开大规模反腐行动,但高级将领依然前腐后继。苗华被认为是中共总书记习近平提拔的将领,他的落马意味着什么? 这期的联合早报播客《东谈西论》,听主持人韩咏红与《联合早报》驻北京记者于泽远详细解析苗华落马对解放军战斗力的影响。 延伸阅读: 中共中央军委委员苗华被停职检查 仕途基本终结 中国特稿:腐败劣根摘不尽 中国整肃军队路漫漫 China has suspended a top military official Miao Hua and placed him under investigation for “serious violations of discipline”, which are commonly used as a euphemism for corruption in China.  This development comes amid a sweeping anti-corruption campaign within the Chinese military, which has already seen several high-ranking officials face disciplinary action.  Admiral Miao Hua is a member of Beijing’s powerful Central Military Commission (CMC). He headed the CMC’s Political Work Department, the top military body’s most important office. Adm Miao, described as a close ally of Chinese President Xi Jinping, is the latest to be scrutinised, raising questions about the broader implications for the People's Liberation Army.  Join host Han Yonghong and Lianhe Zaobao's China News Copy Editor Yu Zeyuan as they explore the significance of Miao Hua's suspension and its potential impact on China's military strength. Hosted by Lianhe Zaobao’s Associate Editor, Han Yong Hong, Global Heartbeat is a Mandarin weekly news and current affairs podcast that is updated every Tuesday, 7.00 PM SGT. It is available on, Apple Podcast, Spotify and other podcast platforms.See for privacy information.

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