

我们生活在一个瞬息万变和难以预测的时代。无论是起步公司新秀,还是拥有多年经验的企业老板,都必须不断创新、锐意进取。听《联合早报》财经记者和企业家和商界领袖谈论经商之道,以及企业如何发挥创造力,迎接挑战,创建未来。 In times of change and uncertainty, whether you are a founder of a start-up company or an experienced leader of an established company, the ability to innovate and adapt is equally important. In this podcast targeted at aspiring entrepreneurs, Lianhe Zaobao’s Business Desk reporters invite business leaders to share their successes, failures and life experiences. 

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30 Dec 2024 · 15m 46s
傲胜国际创办人兼V3集团执行主席沈财福在《联合早报》“早起步”炉边对话会上分享他从按摩椅创业到打造国际品牌的心得,揭示“保持饥饿”心态如何助他在四次经济危机中化危为机。他强调品牌需明确目标市场,并具备故事性背景,例如成功重塑Bacha Coffee。 他认为动荡时期是企业发展的最佳机遇,并指出现金流与创新能力是企业存续的关键。此外,他强调“创意优先”的战略,让新加坡企业无需与中国企业拼价格,而是以独特价值取胜。 这一集的联合早报播客《创造力》,沈财福鼓励年轻人终身学习,培养自我与团队管理能力,因为他认为这些是创业成功的核心要素。 本季的播客主持人是《联合早报》财经新闻主任沈越。 Ron Sim, founder of OSIM International and Executive Chairman of V3 Group, shares his entrepreneurial journey of transforming a massage chair business into a global brand. He attributes his success to maintaining a "stay hungry" mindset, which enabled him to convert challenges into growth opportunities across four economic downturns. Sim emphasises two fundamental principles: precise market targeting and compelling brand storytelling, exemplified by the successful repositioning of Bacha Coffee. He views economic turbulence as a catalyst for business expansion, highlighting that robust cash flow management and continuous innovation are essential for survival. Drawing from his experience competing with Chinese manufacturers, Sim advocates for a "creativity first" approach, enabling Singaporean businesses to differentiate themselves through unique value propositions rather than engaging in price wars. For aspiring entrepreneurs, he stresses the significance of lifelong learning and mastering both self and team management – skills he considers fundamental to entrepreneurial excellence. The host for Enterprising Season 2 is Lianhe Zaobao’s Business Editor Shen Yue.See for privacy information.
30 Dec 2024 · 9m 42s
在《联合早报》“早起步”炉边对话会上,赫比国际创办人姚晓东分享了自己40多年创业历程的心得与经验。他回顾了从新加坡创业起步,到赫比国际成为制造业巨头的艰辛与辉煌历程。姚晓东强调,创业成功的关键在于识别市场需求并且灵活应对。他的公司从起步时的困境到后期的腾飞,得益于坚韧的毅力和适时的创新。 他谈到人工智能的应用对赫比发展的推动作用,并鼓励年轻人保持不断学习和解决问题的思维方式。此外,他还讲述了公司面临的挑战与管理危机,尤其是在进军中国市场后面临的巨大人才流失问题。尽管经历过挫折,姚晓东始终坚守创业初心,始终保持雄心壮志,强调公司成功离不开团队凝聚与正确价值观的坚持。 这一集的联合早报播客《创造力》,姚晓东还提到他个人成长的经历,家庭背景对其人生的影响,以及他如何从生活困境中汲取力量,最终实现事业的突破。对于未来,他设定了赫比的目标,希望在人工智能风口中抓住新机遇,并且不断扩大公司的全球布局。 本季的播客主持人是《联合早报》财经新闻主任沈越。 In his four-decade entrepreneurial journey, Hi-P International founder Yao Hsiao Tung transformed a Singapore startup into a manufacturing powerhouse through market responsiveness and unwavering innovation. His success stems from identifying emerging needs while maintaining operational agility and resilient determination. Drawing strength from his family background and life's challenges, Yao transformed personal experiences into career-defining breakthroughs. Under his vision, Hi-P aims to leverage artificial intelligence advances while expanding its global presence. The host for Enterprising Season 2 is Lianhe Zaobao’s Business Editor Shen Yue.See for privacy information.
30 Dec 2024 · 13m 03s
领创集团联合创办人、ADVANCE.AI首席执行官寿栋在《联合早报》“早起步”炉边对话会上分享了他从金融科技创业到打造估值20亿美元独角兽的心得。他强调,发现市场中的未被满足的需求是成功创业的关键,例如在东南亚市场提供金融服务给无信用记录的群体。寿栋认为,选择有比较优势的市场以及保持灵活应变的心态,是企业持续成长的关键因素。 他指出,技术创新,特别是人工智能的应用,是驱动公司发展的核心力量。通过AI技术,领创集团为东南亚的金融行业提供了智能化解决方案,帮助解决了身份认证和信用评估难题。他还提到,在创业过程中,坚韧和勇气是克服困境的重要素质,尤其是在面临不确定性时。 这一集的联合早报播客《创造力》,寿栋鼓励年轻人保持“发现问题并解决问题”的思维,并强调持续学习与自我成长的重要性。他认为,创业者应该不断适应变化,推动公司和个人共同发展,才能在竞争激烈的环境中脱颖而出。 本季的播客主持人是《联合早报》财经新闻主任沈越。 Shou Dong, co-founder of Advance Intelligence Group and CEO of ADVANCE.AI, shares valuable insights from building a £2 billion fintech unicorn. As a seasoned entrepreneur, Shou emphasises that successful entrepreneurship stems from identifying unmet market needs – a principle his company demonstrates by providing innovative financial services to underserved populations without credit histories in Southeast Asia. Drawing from his experience, Shou outlines two critical success factors: strategically selecting markets where the company holds distinct comparative advantages, and maintaining an adaptable mindset to navigate changing business landscapes. This approach proves instrumental in driving sustained growth and market expansion. To aspiring entrepreneurs, Shou offers compelling advice centred on cultivating a "problem-finding and problem-solving" mindset. He stresses that success in today's dynamic business environment requires more than just technical skills – it demands a commitment to continuous learning and personal development. According to Shou, entrepreneurs must consistently evolve alongside their companies, adapting to new challenges while fostering innovation to maintain a competitive edge in an increasingly complex market. The host for Enterprising Season 2 is Lianhe Zaobao’s Business Editor Shen Yue.See for privacy information.
30 Dec 2024 · 28m 43s
29岁登上新加坡富豪榜的复星集团联合创始人梁信军,在《联合早报》“早起步炉边对话会”分享了他从10万元创业到公司上市的传奇历程。 他指出,新加坡年轻人在全球化与技术变革的双重浪潮中,既面临市场小与全球竞争的挑战,也得益于AI与Web3技术创新的机遇。 这一集的联合早报播客《创造力》,梁信军鼓励年轻人以全球视角开拓事业,尤其关注DePIN等新兴领域。他强调,顺应去中心化技术发展,学会将AI大语言模型作为“第三外语”,并保持开放学习的心态,是在时代拐点上脱颖而出的关键。 本季的播客主持人是《联合早报》财经新闻主任沈越。 Liang Xinjun, co-founder of Fosun Group, recounts his remarkable ascent from launching a venture with 100,000 RMB to achieving public company status and securing a place on Singapore's rich list at age 29. As a seasoned entrepreneur, Liang offers a nuanced perspective on the challenges facing young Singaporean entrepreneurs—namely, the constraints of a small domestic market and intensifying global competition driven by technological advancement and globalisation. Despite these challenges, Liang identifies significant opportunities in emerging technologies, particularly in AI and Web3 innovations. He emphasises the strategic importance of adopting a global mindset and suggests focusing on cutting-edge sectors like DePIN (Decentralised Physical Infrastructure Networks). For aspiring entrepreneurs, Liang outlines three critical success factors: embracing decentralised technology, mastering large AI language models as a fundamental skill alongside traditional languages, and cultivating an adaptable learning mindset to thrive in this transformative era. The host for Enterprising Season 2 is Lianhe Zaobao’s Business Editor Shen Yue.See for privacy information.
17 Mar 2023 · 9m 24s
机器人和人工智能越来越普遍。 新加坡公司武山餐饮科技(ROSS Digital)研发的机器臂,不但会冲泡咖啡和茶,还能调制鸡尾酒。机器臂受到阿里巴巴集团创始人马云的关注,面市后迅速在集团位于中国杭州的酒店找到工作。新加坡小贩中心的饮料摊也引进这款机器臂来缓解人手短缺的问题。机器臂的效率相当于聘请两名员工,使用方法简易。 这一集的早报播客《创造力》,《联合早报》财经记者陈紫筠访问武山餐饮科技创办人兼总裁戈文,并与主持人杨全斌谈机器人的发展趋势,以及机器人是否会抢了员工的饭碗。 Robots and Artificial Intelligence (A.I) are increasingly commonplace. ROSS Digital, a Singapore-based robotics and automation company, developed a robotic arm capable of brewing coffee and tea. The robotic arm quickly caught the attention of Alibaba Group’s founder, Jack Ma, and found its first job at the Group’s hotel in Hangzhou, China.   A beverage stall at a Singapore’s hawker centre also engaged the robotic arm to ease its manpower crunch. In terms of efficiency, the robotic arm is equivalent to two workers and it is easy to operate. In this episode of Enterprising podcast, Lianhe Zaobao’s Business Correspondent Tan Chee Yun interviews ROSS Digital's founder and CEO Gavin Pathross. She chats with host Yeo Quan Bin about the development of robots and whether robots will replace human workers.See for privacy information.
17 Mar 2023 · 14m 37s
俗话说,创业难,守业更难。“富不过三代”是家族企业的魔咒吗? 接手家业可能会遇到人才瓶颈,以及专业知识和经验不足等问题。家族企业新一代的管理层应该怎么做才能守住家业,让它代代相传? 当父亲打算结束创办十年的公司时,金益文毅然加入公司,与父亲一起打拼。从原本的岸外与海事业务到开拓新领域,金益文把危机变成转机,挽救了公司。 这一期的早报播客《创造力》,《联合早报》财经高级记者韩宝镇邀请以便以谢集团首席执行长金益文分享他接手家族企业的故事,并与主持人杨全斌探讨家族企业的生存之道。 People often say that starting a business is difficult, but to keep it going is even more difficult. There is also a Chinese saying: wealth does not last three generations.  Family businesses may face constraints in talent, professional knowledge and experiences. How can the new generation of leaders lift the “curse” and keep the family business running for generations? Lawrence Kim decided to join his father in running the family business when the latter wanted to wind up the 10-year-old company. Lawrence managed to turn the company around by moving from offshore and maritime business into new areas.    In this episode of Enterprising podcast, Lianhe Zaobao’s Business Correspondent Han Poh Tin invites Lawrence Kim, Chief Executive Officer of Ebenezer Group to share his story, and also chats with host Yeo Quan Bin about the challenges of family businesses.See for privacy information.

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